IBS Lightweight Block Course (Student)

Course Name:  IBS Lightweight Block

Location:          Heavy Structure Lab, UTHM Pagoh

Participants:    35 people

Date:                 7-8 June 2023

IBS Lightweight  Block Professional Course

This professional course was conducted over a span of 2 days, from 7 to 8 June 2023, involving 35 students from the Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK), UTHM. It aimed at assisting students in enhancing their knowledge and skills pertaining to the Industrialised Building System (IBS) Light Weight Block. This endeavour is in alignment with the university's and government's aspiration to further empower the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) process, in order to cultivate a competent workforce in specific fields. Furthermore, the course also aims to elevate participants' innovative capabilities. 

Creative thinking in Creating Innovative Solution for IBS

Participants were also trained in the application of their knowledge and skills towards designing, analysing, and resolving issues related to IBS. They were guided in thinking creatively and devising innovative solutions to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of Industrial Building Systems. Participants were imparted with knowledge concerning the significance of sustainability in the construction industry. They acquire insights into the utilization of sustainable construction materials, waste reduction practices, environmental impact mitigation, and energy efficiency within the IBS framework. The objective is to nurture a cohort of participants who are attuned to sustainability issues and capable of contributing to sustainable development. Moreover, an additional objective of this course is to foster industry collaboration by strengthening the partnership between UTHM and GIGA CUBE Sdn Bhd, with the goal of advancing the IBS sector's development.